Zing, the titles you have given me are SO NEW I can't find them on Amazon! Wow!
I'll keep looking...
Vidiot, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
wazzup, cultists?.
today i am very pleased to suggest for your viewing pleasure the film the endless, by the directoral team of moorhead & benson.. .
a synopsis?
Zing, the titles you have given me are SO NEW I can't find them on Amazon! Wow!
I'll keep looking...
Vidiot, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
what advice do you have for a teenager that is being raised as a witness but not baptized?
everyone is pressuring her to get baptized how to avoid that till they are 18 and they are 16?
how to stay sane in a household of religion you don´t believe in.
Jesus got baptized when he was 33 and he was P E R F E C T.
What scriptural support is there to support the baptism of minors? The same as the support for the baptism of infants: NONE.
They will say "but The End is so close..." well, it is so close for those babies too; should we baptize them?
so my husband and i had a long conversation last night about why i no longer believe.
this is our 10th conversation about all the same things which we have been talking about for the last four months.. he says “you have let yourself be deceived”.
i try my best to show him my sincerity in my motives.
I think it is a clever strategy to continuously remind him of his "theocratic obligations." Make sure he has a suit shirt and tie ready to put on, that his service bag is "ready to go" for field service. Put a few condoms in the bag so they can be accidentally discovered.
i bet witnesses in russia stay away from chocolate candy bars.
you can get these treats in russia, new york and on amazon.
Min, ol' buddy, ol' pal,
I've made it a point to eat blood sausage and/or black headcheese every few years as a way to keep my UADNA APOSTATE card current.
I like liver and kidneys, but I find blood sausage and black headcheese call for a firm and determined apostate spirit, and the resolve to ignore The Rainbow Covenant.
LOOK! I am worthy.
i found this memorial invitation quite different than the previous ones.
i couldn't find a more recent posting about the invite, so i may be going over old ground.. at first i just looked thru it.
but then on second look, i realized there was more going on than i thought.
John.prestor said, "Nathan Mayas..."
May The Invisible But Ever-Present Axolotl smile upon all your efforts, but never giggle.
i was doing some reminiscing and remember the days back in the late 80s and early 90s where i truly could say the meetings were so encouraging and that i felt the holy spirit present and operating on all of us.
today when i attend, there is nothing of the sort.
is it because jehovah has withheld it?
Here's the flaw in your analysis, BourneIdentity: someone who was an active JW in the 1960's (like me) could say, "I truly could say the meetings were so encouraging and that I felt the Holy Spirit present and operating on all of us, but not so much after 1975."
Likewise, someone who was an Earnest Bible Student in Germany in 1925 could look back longingly to the guidance of Pastor Russell prior to his death and say, "I truly could say the meetings were so encouraging and that I felt the Holy Spirit present and operating on all of us, but not so much after 1918." If you were to read the book by the Sadlack brothers from Germany titled "The Desolation of the Sanctuary" this was exactly how many Bible Students felt about the leadership of "Judge" Rutherford. The book is still available today in English fro LULU.com.
I'd be willing to bet a nickel right now that JWs in 2050 will look back longingly to 2025, when the Watchtower meetings were so encouraging and so evidently filled with Holy Spirit.
i found this memorial invitation quite different than the previous ones.
i couldn't find a more recent posting about the invite, so i may be going over old ground.. at first i just looked thru it.
but then on second look, i realized there was more going on than i thought.
we all know the society would love to get rid of all the problems caused by clinging to 1914 and all they claimed it meant for the last 100+ years.. it looks like they are laying the groundwork for easing away from the whole concept of 1914. this would also let them do away with the ridiculous "overlapping generation" bullcrap.
what a diaper load that has been.... anyway, the following is from their super secret marching orders for april, 2019. draw your own conclusions.... "3.
“100 years of faithfulness”: the coordinator of the body of elders, or another elder, should be invited to read the following special announcement.
Ah! Such Wonder!
The POPCORN industry must love the 'Dubs!
Maybe an angel whispered "If you love a date, set it free..."
This reminds me of Rutherford's "An Altar in Egypt" article in which he shot down Pastor Russell's love of the Giza Pyramid. I would not be surprised if the Study Article made reference to this progressive light theory.
Once the WTB&TS knocks the pins from under 607 BCE, 1914 will float up into the air like a red circus balloon.
i found this memorial invitation quite different than the previous ones.
i couldn't find a more recent posting about the invite, so i may be going over old ground.. at first i just looked thru it.
but then on second look, i realized there was more going on than i thought.
Experience GUILT! SHAME! and later, ANGER!
Come to the Memorial of Christ's Ransom Sacrifice and learn why YOU DON'T QUALIFY!
i found this memorial invitation quite different than the previous ones.
i couldn't find a more recent posting about the invite, so i may be going over old ground.. at first i just looked thru it.
but then on second look, i realized there was more going on than i thought.
The traditional Memorial didn't have a Pizza Buffet either or offer a "Red, Rose, White" wine choice.
Looks like the Dubs are getting with the program!